Sunday, June 9, 2019

Top Performing Robo-Advisor Portfolios in 2019

Value portfolio: 1. Stash Investments’ Clean & Green | 2. M1 Finance’s Responsible Investing | 3. Stash Investments’ Blue Chips (Photo: Stash Investments website)

Growth portfolio: 1. M1 Finance’s Moderately Aggressive | 2. Fidelity’s Growth | 3. TIAA’s Moderately Aggressive (Photo: M1 Finance’s website)

Balanced portfolio: (1) Acorns’ Moderate | (2) Fidelity’s Growth with Income | (3) Sogo Marketriders’ Balanced Growth – Starter (Photo: Acorns website)

Income portfolio: 1. Sogo Marketriders’ Moderate Income — Starter | 2. Acorns’ Moderately Conservative | 3. Wealthfront’s Risk Score 2.0 (Photo: Sogo Marketriders’ website)

Conservative portfolio: 1. Sogo Marketriders’ Diversified Income — Starter | 2. Sogo Marketriders’ High Income — Starter | 3. TIAA’s Conservative (Photo: TIAA’s website)


Nummo, a personal financial management platform, on Friday reported the best 2019 year-to-date performers among some 250 robo-advisor portfolios.

The report, which is an update of its 2018 annual survey, ranked the top three performers in five portfolio categories: conservative, income, balanced, growth and value.

Nummo reviewed 19 robo-advisors — those that it said were fully transparent in sharing all information — and some 250 portfolios.

In generating its rankings, Nummo looked only at performance. It did not consider cost or any qualitative factors as it does in its annual survey.

The report showed that only a few firms bettered the year-to-date performance of the S&P 500 Index, which was up 14.06% as of May 17.

The majority of robo-advisors in the review — including those from Charles Schwab, Betterment, SigFig, Morgan Stanley, AssetBuilder and SoFi Wealth — did not make the top three ranking in any portfolio category. In their stead, several new players elbowed their way to the top.

Roi Tavor, Nummo’s CEO and co-founder, said in a statement: “2019 has been such a remarkable story in terms of volatility that we wanted to see how robo-advisors had performed YTD. The results give us a very interesting picture and show how challenging such shifting market conditions can be.”

Tavor noted, however, that it was important to look beyond performance, particularly during a highly volatile period, to other factors that provide a more comprehensive perspective on robo-advisors — the impetus for Nummo’s annual study.

“In fact, we continue to view robos as the ideal investing option for anyone who is not served by the broader advisor industry,” he said.

Check out the gallery for the top three performers in the five portfolio categories, according to Nummo.

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